Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence: E. Chapoulie teaches in the L1 module on Analogical electronics (32h), at University Nice Sophia Antipolis EPU. P-Y. Laffont taught “Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming” (64h, L3), in the Computer Science and MUNDUS departments at Polytech'Nice.

  • Masters: G. Drettakis organizes and teaches Computer Graphics at the ECP (Paris) (9h), A. Bousseau teaches 3h at the same course. G. Drettakis teaches 6h in the MAPI M1 Module (Jeux Video), A. Bousseau teaches 3h in this program. A. Bousseau organizes and teaches the Computer Graphics module in the Master 1 International in Computer Science of University Nice Sophia Antipolis (10h), G. Drettakis teaches 8h in this program.


  • PhD : Pierre-Yves Laffont, Intrinsic Image Decomposition from Multiple Photographs [11] , Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, defended in October 12th 2012, Advisor: George Drettakis, Co-advisor: Adrien Bousseau

  • PhD in progress : Emmanuelle Chapoulie, titre (provisoire) du mémoire, since October 2010, Advisor: George Drettakis

  • PhD in progress : Gaurav Chaurasia, titre (provisoire) du mémoire, since October 2010, Advisor: George Drettakis

  • PhD in progress : Sylvain Duchêne, titre (provisoire) du mémoire, since October 2011, Advisor: George Drettakis

  • PhD in progress : Emmanuel Iarussi, Computer-Assisted Drawing, since October 2012, Advisor: George Drettakis, Co-advisor: Adrien Bousseau

  • Internship : Laurent Lefebvre (EPITECH), Interactive Global Illumination, June-August 2012, Advisor: George Drettakis

  • Internship : Loic Sevecque (UNSA, MAPI), Modeling and Animation, June-August 2012, Advisor: George Drettakis

Thesis Committees

A. Bousseau was an examinateur for the PhD committee of Jiazhou Chen (MANAO project team, Inria Bordeaux - Sud Ouest). G. Drettakis was rapporteur for the HDR committee of I. Ihrke (MANAO project team, Inria Bordeaux - Sud Ouest), and on the PhD committee of Anthony Pajot (IRIT-CNRS/Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse).